
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hawaii Video

Made the video during Thanksgiving break. Only like 3 monhts later.. Better late than never, right? 

Hawaii 2014 from Hannah Solomon on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why more feminists (and people in general) should be opposed to pornography

Just a few comments before I launch into this:
I know this isn't anything like my typical posts, but I feel very strongly about this subject and felt I should voice my opinions.

While I wouldn't consider myself a full-fledged, man-hating feminist, I am very passionate about women's rights. For centuries, women have fought for equal treatment. It has been only this last century that the significant shifts on the views of women have occurred. In the 1800's, women started to fight to be viewed as more than mothers and vehicles to please men. In the 1900's, women started to fight for the right to vote and work. Now, in the country I live in, I can confidently say that women have equal rights as men. There are, of course, exceptions to that statement. However, I believe women have the opportunity to accomplish anything they want to here in America.
So why, then, do we allow pornography to destroy the hard work we have strived for so long to achieve? 
I will admit that I may be a bit biased because my church teaches against pornography. However, I think I am taking a secular view point for this post. 

Here's what's so bad for women about pornography: It teaches men that women are merely objects used for pleasure. It teaches men how to speak to us, how to handle us, and how to use our bodies for their own personal pleasure. I don't know about you, but my body is capable of a lot more than that. I have the abilities to produce and nurture children, serve and help others, and do basically anything I want. MY BODY WAS NOT MADE SIMPLY FOR SEX.
I am repulsed by the thought of a man looking at my body, a miraculous and beautiful creation in every way, simply for sex. I will not tolerate a man to view me that way, and I'm sure many of you feel the same. 
Why do we allow men to do that to other women? 
Imagine if the women in these porno films were your mothers and sisters. The thought is utterly repulsive, right? Well the truth is that these women are someone's daughters, someone's sisters. Of course, these women made the choice to participate in these films. But I find it sad that they even have that choice. I find it sad that pornography brings in more money total than regular Hollywood films.

This issue is creeping out into society. I walked into the grocery store the other day and browsed through the magazines while waiting to checkout. I saw a Cosmopolitan magazine with the words "Men only need two things: sex and a grilled cheese" in large, bold letters. I turned to another magazine that said "50 hot new sex moves to please your man". 
Now, I know my view on this matter may be a bit different than most. I am unashamed to admit that I am saving that part of myself for marriage. 
But the messages these magazines told appalled me. A man only needs sex and grilled cheese? There is nothing else I can offer him? Not my love, my support, my advice? 
50 moves to please my man? Not 50 tips to strengthen your relationship? Am I really nothing more to a man than sex? 
I know this is not true. But pornography is teaching both men and women that it is true.
I want to clarify that I am not preaching against sex. It's true that physical intimacy is an important part of marriage. But pornography is turning this intimacy into a vulgar, violent act. The sex in porn is not real. It's calculated, edited, and made to perfection. Porn is creating unrealistic expectations for women and sex.
Porn is ruining the beautiful image of women. I don't go a day at school without hearing guys talking about girls in a vulgar manner. They look at my peers, beautiful, talented girls full of potential, and all they see is a "nice pair of  t*ts" or a "big 'ole booty". They talk about girls they know and remark only on their appearance or their sexual abilities. These girls have potentially wonderful things in front of them, but all the guys see are their bodies. I know countless amounts of girls who have sent nude photos of themselves to guys to get their attention. Girls are being taught that this is the way to get a guy. But that isn't a real relationship. I hate to break it to you girls, but the guy doesn't love you, he just loves your body. 
Pornography is changing our views of women and the dynamic of relationships.
I don't want to offend anyone with this overgeneralization. It is, of course, true that women can have a problem with pornography. But it is a much bigger problem among men because they are much more easily addicted to it.

There are many other horrible consequences of pornography, like how it effects and damages you physically, mentally and emotionally. I could go into significant detail about these and would upon request. But I felt I needed to talk about its affects on women because that is what most directly impacts me.

You may think pornography is harmless, but it's not. Porn is destroying the image of women.

**I found this poem extremely eye-opening, but felt it was too graphic to write directly on this post. If you feel comfortable doing so, please take the time to read it:

For more information about the harmful effects of pornography, visit:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween in the Village

I'm gonna try and be humble about this.... but how can I? 
We had the best Halloween group costume ever.

That's right. We were the Village People.


Young man. There's no need to feel down.

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! 
Now it's time for CHRISTMAS!!!!