
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Thoughts

As a Mormon, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is, "Why do Mormons have missionaries?" Many people don't understand why we would give up a year and a half to two years of our lives to walk or bike around in silly suits and dresses. Some people even approach me, offended by the prospect of us trying to "convert" people. They think that we believe we are better than people because of our church, or that we are trying to force our beliefs upon others.

Today during church we sang "O Holy Night", one of my favorite Christmas songs. While singing, I discovered the perfect explanation for why we serve missions. 

I am always particularly struck by the third verse. 

Truly He taught us to love one another;

His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.

This verse always brings tears to my eyes. The Gospel of Christ is love. We celebrate Christmas because of two of the greatests acts of love to ever happen. John 3:16 states "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but haveeverlasting life."  God sent His son to earth for us.Christ died for us because he loved us. He taught us to love every person. His law is love. 
The third and fourth line also made me think of a discussion I once had with my mother. We were talking about what caused the Jews to reject Jesus as their Savior. My mom made the point that they were searching for someone to end their physical bondage. But the bondage that Christ frees us from is our spiritual bondage, He frees us from our sins and he frees us from the chains of death. 
But this thought crossed my mind: If we all followed Christ's teachings, there would be no oppression, no bondage, no wars or contentions, no murders or crimes. Even though Christ didn't phsyically and directly free the Jews from their physical bondage, He provided a way for them to be freed. 
Christ taught us love and peace. His love brings us the comfort and joy that nothing else on this earth can.
That is why we serve missions. That's why I plan to serve a mission when I turn 19.
I have always been an extremely empathetic person. When I was little, I would lay in bed crying because of something I saw on the news. I would cry if I saw an old man eating lunch all by himself. I have always had a love for everyone in the world. Because I love people, I want to help everyone that I can. This is what motivates me to serve a misson- the prospect to bring peace and happiness to people.
One of my friends who is not a member recently began taking lessons with the missionaries. She has been a Christian all her life and is happy with her religion. But she said something that I thought was amazing. She said that she was very comfortable with her church and her life, but if God wanted her to have more, she wanted it. She wanted to recieve all that God had in store for her. We as Mormons know that there are many wondrful churches out there that teach of Christ. However, we believe we have the fullness of His gospel. We want everyone know know of all that God has given us.
When we serve missions, we don't get any kind of credit with the church. We don't have any personal gain whatsoever. We do it for the sole purpose of bringing the hearts of men to Christ and giving them the fullness of His gospel. 

This week, as you all hurry to buy last minute presents and such, I challenge you to stop and think about Christ and His love. Try and spread that love to the people you come across. This can be as simple as smiling at a passing stranger, or complimenting a friend who seems down, I want to leave you with this video that inspired me. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and pray you all feel Christ's love for you this week.